Welcome to Montour Run Watershed Association
MRWA has as its purpose the protection, remediation, and long-term stewardship of the Montour Run Watershed. This includes land, water, and biological resources of the watershed, as we strive to make the Montour Valley healthier for all its residents. We accomplish our goals through formal and informal partnerships with citizens groups, businesses, local governmental agencies, elected officials, and the general public. The MRWA actively conducts watershed assessment projects, public outreach and education projects, and stream improvement projects.
At the November 28, 2017 meeting the MRWA Board of Directors passed a proclamation in support of local governments taking action to address storm water runoff. Click here to read the actual proclamation.
View a map of the watershed and trout stocking areas -click here.
Latest News
Please click on our EVENTS tab to see our upcoming activities.
Please click on our PROJECTS tab to see our latest news releases.
We need your help! Please notify us (via email), of any location(s) on Montour Run where potential or actual streambank erosion is observed. We are in the process of determining what areas may be threatening the Montour Trail or any bridges along the trail. Thank you for your help.
- Join MRWA to help restore and preserve this beautiful natural treasure.